
Before your mission

Travel authorization from your supervisor

Don't forget to ask your supervisor's approval before each travel as well as on which account it should be charged.

Travel authorization form

If you are paid by ULB, please fill in a travel authorization request form (see bottom of this page) minimum 10 days prior to travel and return it to the secretariat with the signature of the head of your service. The secretariat will then forward it to the dean's office to obtain the approval of the faculty. If the authorization is returned to you, please give it to Fabienne. Without this document, the accounting department will not proceed to the reimbursement of your expenses.

If you are not paid by ULB (i.e. FRIA, FNRS, ...), the ULB travel authorisation is not requested but please send an email to the secretariat indicating the beginning and ending dates of your mission, the host institution, city, country and the purpose of your travel (conference, workshop, etc.). You should, however, notify the FNRS or FRIA three weeks prior to travel in order to be covered by their travel insurance.

Advance of money

If you need an advance of money please ask for it at least 10 days before departure.

Please note that even if you have received an advance of money, upon return from travel you need to bring to Fabienne all justification documents for expenses incurred. If you fail to do so, no future advance will be extended. Also, in case you received an advance for per diem (daily expenses) only, upon return from travel you also ABSOLUTELY have to come and see Fabienne so that she can close the file. QUID DES BOURSIERS, AVANCE POSSIBLE?

Registration fee + hotel booking for seminars, conferences,...

If you need to pay a registration at a conference, seminar, ..., please give to the secretariat the name of the organization and the detailed bank account information (INCLUDING FULL NAME OF THE BANK) as soon as possible in order to initiate the payment and also enable the ULB accounting department to process it well ahead of the date of the event.

Even when our department is paying the registration fee or hotel, please provide Fabienne with a receipt or an invoice.

For each payment or reimbursement, please take into account that the processing time for accounting services will take a minimum of 15 days. Therefore, please make your reservation well ahead of deadline dates for conference registration, hotel booking, ...

Travel reservation

Please note that the secretariat is ready to help you with your travel reservations but experience has demonstrated that a direct contact between you and the travel agency is by far more efficient.

We are working with the travel agency located on Campus du Solbosch, building F1. You can call them at ext. 2179 to book your trip (they speak English). Once you have made the reservation, please ask Fabienne to issue a « bon vert » for the payment. For train tickets, you will have to take this bon vert with you to the travel agency as a mean of payment. For flight tickets, you receive them generally via email and we fax the « bon vert » to the travel agency.

In case you find low cost tickets, don't go to the travel agency. Please pay them and we will reimburse you.

After your mission

Upon return from your mission, please proceed as follows:

1) On A4 recuperation sheets (recto/verso), PLEASE GLUE (don't staple!) the following: all your ORIGINAL travel justification documents (flight/train tickets, boarding passes, transportation bills, taxi receipts (between hotel and airport only)). For expenses made by credit card we also need a copy of the monthly statement of expenses of your credit card showing such expenses -- please whiteout the rest --. Please bring all glued originals as well as an extra copy (double sided) of all sheets to the secretariat for reimbursement processing.

2) In addition, please fill in a travel expenses reimbursement form + copy and join it to the above documents. If breakfast costs are listed separately on your bill, please deduct them from your total hotel bill and write the amount so obtained on the travel expenses reimbursement form. Please note that breakfast costs are already included in your per diem.

3) If you have used your personal car, please fill also a car expenses form + copy.

4) If the signed travel authorization form has been returned to you, please join it too + copy.

* Download: Travel expenses reimbursement form CE LIEN NE FONCTIONNE PAS